Smarter Living: What to do with a day off

Step 1: Actually take the day off
Rose Wong

On holidays, I usually like to send a version of this same newsletter: Ideas for how to spend a day off, whether you want to get your financial life in order, go shopping, think about your career or just chill all day watching TV on the couch. But what does a day off even mean now? It's tough to go anywhere during a pandemic, because many of the places we might have visited are closed or restricted to us. It's hard to work on your finances with so much uncertainty, and the "recovery" isn't really a recovery for everyone. And our work lives are encroaching on our personal lives more than ever, so do we really even have days off right now?

Still, if you're fortunate enough not to have to clock in today, maybe use the time as an opportunity to take care of some of those things that have been hanging over your head. We all have them, and time away from work is as good an excuse as any to knock that one item off your to-do list. Or not! Maybe today is just a stay-in-bed-and-binge-"Veep"-again kind of day. That sounds absolutely wonderful to me.

Whatever kind of day you have in store, here are some ideas that might be helpful.

Yeah, yeah, you'll get to it sometime — it's the little fib we all tell ourselves to get out of doing that one thing. But today is a great day to just get it done! Send that email, finish up that task at home, write that holiday thank-you note you still haven't gotten around to. Whatever it is, just do it. You'll feel so much better, I promise. Read more »

Is your digital hygiene as strong as it should be? A little extra free time is the perfect excuse to set up that password manager you keep meaning to get to, or to finally install two-step authentication across all of your accounts. A small time investment now can save you enormous headaches — or worse — later. Read more »


Being home all of the time has been hard on your house, too.

Consider investing your time in small projects that have big-gratification appeal. None of the five chores mentioned in this article take more than an hour, and each ends with a satisfying thought: Why didn't I do that sooner? Best of all, unlike the dishes and the bottomless laundry pile, these chores won't need to be done again for many months. Read more »

What better way to spend a day off than sitting on the couch and watching TV? The Times has you fully covered:

Why not make these salted pretzel brownies? Or how about meatloaf stroganoff? Maybe you're in the mood for chickpea vegetable soup? Or you can just skip right to the cocktails.


Not much more to say here! Give yourself permission to recharge your batteries and get a good night's sleep. It might even make you more productive at work this week: Allowing the brain to rest and recover "literally makes us more creative, better at problem-solving, better at coming up with creative ideas." Read more »

Tweet me @timherrera and let me know what you get up to, and have a great week!

— Tim


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